Wednesday, July 8, 2009

One Last Thought

The last days at the Haven brought tears to us all. I didn't even make two steps out of Khaki Jackie before the tears began to flow. It's remarkable to me how overwhelmed I felt leaving those kids. Not only did we impact their lives, but they definitely impacted mine! I will miss their smiling faces, sweet little laughs, and the individual personalities of each child. It’s hard to put into words what this trip has meant to me and how incredible it truly was!

I found out after a week at the Haven what we were accomplishing by being there in Zambia, but on that last day at the Haven, I felt for the first time exactly why God sent me there. As tears flowed down my face when we walked up to the toddler house for the last time, two of the little girls I spent a lot of time with, came waddling up with arms stretched and hugged me. Choking back tears I sat down on the floor with them to play. The whole time I was at the Haven I never heard either of these girls say one word (they are both two years old), but on this day Twambo and little Ashley broke my heart. As we were playing, Twambo brought a Lion King book over to me to read with her. Before I could even begin reading, she pointed at Simba and said, “Lion!” and roared. The words just began to pour out of her little mouth as she pointed.. “Tree”, “Lion”, “Water”. I couldn’t stop crying and laughing. I was in disbelief and at the same time so joyous that this little girl was talking! We talk about ‘late talkers’ in class, but it’s still incredible to witness such a dramatic event. These children are the reason I want this career so bad, the reason I will strive to be the best SLP I can possibly be, and the reason I am proud of what we do!

If I learned anything in Africa it was more of a reminder that the unique and individual talents that God has given us should be used to the fullest! Why hold back when it could possibly change someone else’s life?! I am honored to be a part of the first Hiz-Path group and excited for those to follow. I have brought back so many memories and stories, ones that will last a life time. And like Meredith, all I can say is THANK YOU for the opportunity and experience! It was life changing and wonderful!!

Jessica Mayes

(aka) Sister Mary Tom

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