Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hi everyone I hope all is well back home. So far Zambia has been a very rewarding experience. Well my day to blog was Sunday but considering the fact we have been without power for 3 days that made it kinda sorta impossible. Sunday we went to church and had a great time. The order of service seems to follow that of the churches back in the states. Although, some of the speaker's dialect's are so heavy we sometimes have trouble understanding what the speaker is saying and following the service. After communion the children are dismissed for children's church and all of us seem to enjoy this part of service because we get to interact with our babies from the Haven . They are so PRECIOUS!!! After church the group came back home and Jessica, Brittany, Ashley, and I went back to the Haven just to visit the children to hold and spoil them. I am starting to believe that the kids wait for me to hold them and then decide to spit their whole bottle back up. I have also become a pro at changing diapers made from bath towels.

Well when we got back we had electricity and we decided that we were going to cook grilled cheese sandwhiches in the sandwhich maker. Well so much for that idea because the electricity went off right as we started making them. Well have no fear when Brittany is here. Brittany saves the day by finding a gas stove and cooking with her head lamp which is just hilarious to look at anyway but watching her cookin with it was worth a million bucks. We have all agreed that if Britt gets tired of speech path she can always go work at Waffle House she just can't kill SPIDERS with the same pan she is cooking with. However, these were the best grilled cheese we ever had. After eatinfg together in the dark we had a great devotion led by Elizabeth who spoke about the importance of praying and staying spiritually connected with God. The night ended with us all praying for each other and sitting and telling stories.

Candice J. Adams


  1. Sounds like you are having a perfect mix of work and play! Suddenly I'm hungry for a sandwich . . .

  2. I'm so glad you all made it safely! It's great fun to hear about all of your experiences. I wish I could have gone to church with you guys, but I'll pass on the grilled cheese with a side of spider! ;) Be assured that I'm praying for your health and safety while you are there. Miss you!

  3. Sounds like you will all be used to no electricity by the time you get back. I'm glad you were able to find a gas stove. Aren't the stars there unbelievable. We have so much "light polution" here that we seldom see most of the stars.

  4. What a sense of community, of sweet fellowship and friendship you all are experiencing! I can feel it pulsing in the words that you write, even as I read them on a computer screen all of these thousands of miles away! Isn't God amazing? :)

  5. After reading all of the posts, all I can come up with is: WOW! It is evident from each of the wonderful updates that those of you in Zambia are experiencing something truly amazing. I know you are learning so much. The experiences there will serve you well as you enter into the professional world, but I would venture to guess that it will impact your lives in deeper ways than your career. Thanks for sharing with those of us who have not had a chance to be there. As for the kiddos in Africa, I know that the research being completed here and there will be of benefit for them and they will be forever touched by your presence. In short, it is evident that it truly is an AWESOME God we serve. He truly does reign with wisdom and power and He is using you. Keep up the good work.

  6. Your Sunday sounds wonderful...except for the spit-up. I wish I could be there loving on those babies with you!

  7. It sounds like you are having a great time spoiling those babies! I know that they are enjoying the extra attention.
